When Kim Rootes gave her excellent demo on collage this morning at the February meeting of the Tomball Art League, the subject of making acrylic 'skins' came up. Acrylic medium can be used to make a clear transfer of a photograph, photocopy, or print, so it can be added to a collage or mixed media painting. YouTube has a number of excellent videos explaining the process. As you look at these you'll see yet more, listed on the right sidebar.
Acrylic Transfers part 1
Acrylic Transfers part 2
Acrylic Transfers part 3
Transfer Finish
How to transfer a photo to canvas
Mixed Media: Acrylic Skins from prints and magazines
Creating and Printing on Acrylic skins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5nykYVnfbk
Throughout February you have the pleasure of viewing the pastel paintings of landscape artist Grace Hessman in our meeting room, Room L-129. She’s a 'plein air' painter, which means she plunks her easel down in the shifting soils of west Texas or beach Florida or the Oregon forest, with boots on to protect herself from cactus spines and driving heat and morning chills, to see, feel, and smell each nuance of the landscape she’s passionate about capturing on paper. When you see her work, I think you’ll catch that spirit. That’s Room L-129; throughout February.
This post is especially directed to my pastel artist colleagues. If you're looking for pastel paintings with a 'wow' factor to inspire your winter efforts, let me suggest a visit to the website of Zaria Forman.
http://www.zariaforman.com/ Forman has a way with water, clouds, and ice that goes straight for the gut--and the heart. I think you'll find her work deeply moving. For her 2012 project Chasing the Light, she sailed up the northwest coast of Greenland, retracing the 1869 journey of American painter William Bradford.She documented the changing arctic landscape and used it as a reference for several large soft pastel drawings of amazing icebergs and icy seas.Her almost photo-realistic works grab the frigid mood of this mighty landscape in flux. Here's the link to those icebergs. http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2014/01/zaria-forman-pastel-icebergs/ She's also on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/aristZariaForman (Thanks for Zaria for permission to post her image.)
At the January meeting of the Tomball Art League, Grace Hessman mentioned the Pastel Society of Southeast Texas and its upcoming exhibitions.
The Pastel Society of Southeast Texas is holding an Open Exhibition "Art of the Pastel 2014" at The Gallery in the Brazosport Center for The Arts and Sciences in Clute, TX February 4 through March 8, 2014.This exhibition promises to present to the viewing public a fresh awareness of the beauty of pastel artwork.For exhibitors, it will be an open, non-juried show, but artwork is limited to two paintings per artist. Registration for members is $35 and $45 for non-members.
Master Pastelist Allan Flattman will judge the show and will also present a three day workshop about Landscape & Cityscape Painting with Pastels on February 5 through the 7th. For more show information, the prospectus, a registration form, and workshop information, go to the website www.pastelsocietyofsoutheasttexas.org and look under the 2014 Exhibition tab.

Finally, Gabriel Riquelme's inspiring pastel demonstration at the January meeting introduced many of us to some new-to-us art vocabulary, techniques, and supplies. Gabriel maps his pastels with charcoal pencil instead of pastel pencil--black or white, depending on the color of his support--because he can remove it easily with a white plastic eraser or kneaded eraser. He then uses hard pastels to block in his foundation, since the soft filler pastels he uses later will blend more easily over that foundation. Then he ends with ultra-soft pastels.He uses black charcoal pencil for fine black details because he's found the charcoal pencil gives a darker black than a black pastel pencil; it also sharpens better and tends not to break inside like pastel pencils do. He dusts off his work with a spray of compressed air--the kind people use to clean their computer keyboards.But before does, he sprays a cloth at the bottom of his board with a bit of water so that when the chalk dust floats down it sticks to the wet cloth. Finally, he uses a fixative, and he much prefers the Sennellier brand to any other because it darkens the pastels the least of any brand and doesn't dissolve the soft pastels into the harder ones. I'm thinking this is the product he was talking about: http://goo.gl/u0TMGf To see more of Gabriel Riquelme's work go to GabrielRequelmeArt.com
Thursday, January 16 from 10 am. to 3 pm--or whatever fraction of that you can come--you are invited to the library for another Artist's Date.
We'll spend the morning painting or sketching some still lifes I'll set up in the front room where all the light is. I've ordered flowers for one area and I have a couple of other more squirky setups in mind...Bring your art supplies and your lunch and after we've played hard we'll eat together and chat. The College's catering service will be providing us with beverages and some desserts.
I've also ordered in some books that may be of interest and put them on display on our Round Wall, near where we'll be painting. You're welcome to check them out and take them home.
In the afternoon we'll retire to the computer lab where we can pool our information about how to use the basic Microsoft Office tools and some free web-based tools for manipulating and researching your reference photos. Everyone is welcome; this isn't limited to Tomball Art League people. This is designed for adults but a well-behaved motivated child will not be turned away.