When my husband introduced me to his old classmate from Southwest High in Fort Worth, I had no doubt that he'd gone on to become a professional football player. Marshall Harris stands somewhere midway between six and seven feet tall and has the physique of a linebacker.
His art is equally distinctive. He creates architectural welded sculptures, installations, and amazing drawings. Marshall just finished his MFA and also just returned to living in Fort Worth. His drawings include nudes, but I think you'll find them unusual, in that Marshall "seeks the deeper underlying sub-context of people, places, and situations." Not too many artists draw middle-aged men...Here's a link to his website
Some days I stare at my monitor and wonder where I might find a glorious art site to inspire me. Then I remember my free subscription to StumbleUpon. It seldom disappoints and often entertains and inspires. Here's how it works. When people discover an interesting site, they recommend it to StumbleUpon. When you sign up for StumbleUpon you list your interests (arts, photography, gardening, science, politics, etc.) and StumbleUpon sends you those recommended sites periodically or you can search them whenever you want. Here's the link so you can explore it yourself.